Wednesday 5 March 2008

Gardening today

This morning, I had to go to the surgery to see the District Nurse, to have my ear syringed to get rid of a bit of something (she said skin) that could foil a hearing test that I am to have on Monday. After that, I went to my favourite garden centre. There are others around that many would think much better. Plants yes, but acres of other things. This one has some of these other things, but not too many, and far more plants and garden extras. I was led astray from my carefully written list and got some crocus in flower - the mice have eaten so many of ones in the garden. These will go out there and I will buy some corms too at some point. I also got a few tulips for the same reason. I went to the garden centre to buy 2 new things for the ends of my hozes and some JIP 3 and Vegetable seeds, having procrastinated over filling in the order so long that now it is March.
This afternoon, I used some of the compost and some seed compost that I already had. I pruned the Abutilon Nabob that G had wheedled out of the Head Gardener at Wallington, cutting it very hard back as they had done in the past. This meant that I had lots of pieces about 3 or 4 feet long. I cut the ends of, about 4-5 inches long, trimmed them, removing the leaves and any flower buds and pushed them into the compost in a 3 inch pot. 12 of them are now in a propagator on the shelf in the greenhouse. It does not work any more, so no heat, but there is a cover, to stop drying out. It has a lovely dark red flower. I already have one young plant that I repotted today - a nice single stem. When it is tall enough it will come into the Conservatory, to replace the more mauvy, lighter one that has been there for years. If todays cuttings take, they will be sold for the WI or some other charitable concern and I will keep one as a replacement.
When I was in Wales last summer, for my brother's 60th birthday, I was given some Fuschia cuttings by a specialist, in who's barn we were staying. All of them took. Mostly they have reddish leaves and wood but one is variegated. Of the red ones, one is going to be grown with 2 horizontal branches, as it is already doing naturally. One will be a standard - again heading that way naturally. The rest will be bushes. I had already pruned them the other day, but today I potted them on into bigger pots. They will go out in the frame later on and be planted out next year. After that I shall just have to keep my fingers crossed. We are much colder and exposed that their Welsh home. I may keep the standard in a pot/container.
I did not get anything done outside today because it was blowing a gale yet again. When is it ever going to stop for more than a few hours?


Cait O'Connor said...

I am a fair weather gardener like you Withy. I love fuchsias and also trips to the garden centre, I can feel one coming on. Roll on the warmer weather.

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Withy when you come up here perhaps I could drag you off to a garden centre and you could give me some ideas of what to plant as a little garden area here. My head just goes all buzzy (even with the chainsaw switched off) whenever I try to think about what plants to buy.

Withy Brook said...

What a good excuse to visit a garden centre WW!