Tuesday 10 June 2008

Benefice Book Club

Today we met to discuss the second book that we have read as a Benefice. The first one was read as a Lent book and discussed chapter by chapter at a weekly Lent meeting. This proved a success, so we decided to start a book club which would be open to anyone. The books would not be overtly (or covertly come to that) religious. Just thought-provoking.

This second book is Nick Hornby's How to be Good. "London GP Katie Carr always thought she was a good person. With her husband David making a living as 'The Angriest Man in Holloway', she figured she could put up with anything. Until, that is, David meets DJ GoodNews and becomes a good person too. A far-too-good person who starts committing crimes of charity like taking in the homeless and giving their kids' toys away. Suddenly Katie's feeling very bad about herself, and thinking that if charity begins at home, then maybe it's time to move...."

Today we met in the Village Hall, with contributions to a light supper, which we ate with pleasure and plenty of happy gossip. There weren't many of us, but hopefully, when the autumn comes, there may be more. The book provoked much discussion and we only touched on some of the issues raised. No-one said they had not enjoyed it - we were carried through by the speed of movement through the events, and much humour - it kept making me laugh aloud. This is apparently the first book that Nick Hornby has written from the female point of view (it is narrated by Katie). He has been very successful in this and I understand that he took much advice from women, to confirm that he was on the right track.

The characters are not obviously of any religion - David and GoodNews are specifically not and though Katie does visit a church, and is Anglican, it is of no real significance in the book. Despite this, there are many moral issues included that make it a very thought provoking book.

It is a quick read and would be enjoyed by many people. It has made me want to read 'About a Boy'

1 comment:

Cait O'Connor said...

I liked this book too Withy.
Hope you enjoy your book club as much as I enjoy mine. Let us know what books you read, I am very interested.