Wednesday 5 September 2007


I have decided that I shall have a sort of diary blog - to record things that happen, or I do, in the garden and in my life, that should not waste common room space.

Today they said it would be hot, but the wind kept the temperature down here and there was a lot of cloud.

Yesterday, I set light to the big rubbish bonfire out by the lonnen. It went up well but there is a lot of stuff left because there were great wodges of weeds and also all the moss that G scraped out of the lawn after treating it in the spring. It had absorbed an awful lot of rain! Otherwise, I weeded, yesterday and today - very boring but it looks better.

I am thrilled with the lilies. They have grown taller and flowered better and with bigger flowers than ever before. They were planted about 3 years ago. The tall one at the back is nearly 5ft tall.
For my next trick I am going to try to put a close up of one of the lilies on the other side, with my profile. It is so long since I did it for the other blog that I can't remember how! We shall see, but not tonight. I am tired and am shortly going to bed.
Tomorrow, I intend to add some more pics of things out in the same bed as the lilies. It is on the other side of the drive from the one I told you about in a garden walk some time ago.

1 comment:

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Wow Withy I am soooo impressed with those Lillies. They are better than anything I buy in the florist . . . I had no idea they grew so tall.

Perhaps I should send you a picture of my wasteland and see if you have any ideas of what I can do with it. I have done a bit of tentative planting, but have no idea what to plant with what and what does well in our soil - other than nettles.