Wednesday 19 September 2007

Wednesday 19th Sept

This morning I had to go to the Health Centre to see the District Nurse to have my ear syringed. Very satisfactory. A nice big piece of wax was washed out, so now I can hear a good deal better.

After lunch, it being nice and sunny, I decided to go up to the wind turbines to try to take a picture of the Germans abseiling. Off we went up the lonnen (we because G decided to come too) but when we got there the cupboard was bare.In other words, because there was quite a wind blowing, they had gone away, so yet another day without electricity production. No 3 turbine is still working but will be stopped for similar work when they are ready. We were able to see where they had done their work. Quite horrifying that these things that have to withstand so much stress can just have patches put in. I think they told G that they inject resin into the cracks but it looks like a patch. Of course it is quite a long way up, so it may just be that they paint over the area after. I am adding up-to-date pictures of the turbines, taken today, but you can't see the work. The rather dramatic one is of G with the sun behind him. The one of 2 turbines, shows No 2 static and No 3 working. This operation has come out very odd because I uploaded all 3 at the same time, which I haven't tried before. I told them to come rt, lft and ctr but theyall came in the middle and would not move sideways. Also the text won't wrap. And goodness knows what it will look like when it is published! (In fact it has worked OK)!

After our little walk I tackled a job that I had been postponing - bringing tender things in from their summer quarters. This means making enough space in the greenhouse and putting things into the conservatory is only a temporary measure as I won't have them there if they are'nt flowering. There were only 2 groups, first the orchids - 2 cymbidiums that are quite old and 4 that look young but I have had them for ages and they still haven't flowered. I got them in Madeira, years ago, as tiny little things. Secondly the Azaleas. One very large one that is a long way from flowering, it will do it in the Spring, if I'm lucky. The other 2 have never really stopped flowering so I don't know whether I will get a good display this time. They are rather smaller.
In the picture, the plant on the right is an Abutilon which G sweet-hearted out of the head gardener at Wallington. It has is lovely dark red one. I have a nice cutting coming on well already!


Un Peu Loufoque said...

Brittany has several windfarms, they sprng up over night like some exotic plants. I find them quite atractive now I am used to them but am not certain if I love them enough to have them next door !

Elizabethd said...

I like orchids and have, amazingly , been successful with a phalaeonopsis, now just finished flowering for the 2nd year. I would never have bought it, not brave enough, but it was a birthday gift.
Lucky you to have a red abutilon!

Pondside said...

Hello Withy - I've just caught up with your new diary - I like it.
The Danes are very big on those big windmills - lots of them on Aero where The Great Dane's family lives.
Was interested to read about the police chaplain and all the volunteers. I also do pastoral care, but I don't think there's anyone at the police station - it would be a good idea.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

love abutillon but dont have a conservatory so have to admire from afar!

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

YOu know I used to think the turbines went up and they worked and that was it - never occured to me that they would break and need patching up . . .how ignorant was I.

I envy you both your garden and your green house. I met our mutual friend in the village the other day . . we still haven't arranged for her to come up and see Purplecoo and your blog . . it is on my list.