Thursday 27 September 2007

W.I. Hut

Today we had another meeting of the committee trying to save the WI Hut. We have a questionaire which we plan to take to every household in the neighbourhood. We have to find out how many people would use the new hut if it gets built. To my surprise everyone was prepared to spread some of the questionaires. It's easy for me, I have done canvasing for the Conservatives for longer than I care to think, so I shall set off in great heart - and gradually get more and more depressed!!!. It is much more difficult for the others - they haven't done this sort of thing before.

I was heartened the other day because I met the Chaiman of a large local trust and he assured me that Village Halls in small communities were of interest to them. Our main difficulty is the smallest of our communtiy.


Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Hi Withy - I think you are very brave going canvassing on behalf of a new WI hut - I hope it geos well and that you don't get down at all . . .

DJ Kirkby said...

Hope it went well, you'd be welcomed at our door!