Tuesday 18 September 2007

Tuesday 18th September 07

Yesterday, there was .03in of rain in my gauge. This was the first measurable rain for 19 days. What a funny year. Early on we had a long period with little or no rain. Then we had a lot but not as much as in the South and West. And now we are coming to the end of another long dry period. They keep talking about rain in the North East but as you can see it has not happened so far.

Today was school day. For the first time I did library - year 2 were selecting books to take home. How quick they were to choose. It would have taken me ages! Then more filing etc, with embarrassing thanks from the Assistant! I keep telling her how much I enjoy it but I don't think she believes me!
Later off to a small place called Ugham for a Deanery Synod meeting, in their church. Not too boring business and then a fascinating talk by the Police Chaplain. He leads a team of mostly volunteers and a few ordained chaplains, who look after individual stations. They give pastoral care to police, civilian workers in the stations and their families.Whilst telling us some pretty harrowing stuff they have to deal with, he larded it with a good deal of humour. It was something I knew nothing about, so was fascinated.
Then, believe it or not all the way home (35mins) I listened to a program on Radio 4 all about sex. Cor - I'm a lot wiser now!! And I know that the enormous pressure to perform to perfection these days does not compare well with the ignorance of my early days!!!

1 comment:

Norma Murray said...

I had no idea that the police had chaplins. I should imagine, with some of the things they have to deal with, any faith must be severly tested.